Tollbooth Antiques Fire – UPDATES


Tollbooth Antiques Fire – UPDATES

Impacted Vendors - support UPDATE:

Updated: Thursday, August 29 | 8:31pm

PA Auctions has donated their buyer fees to the MAC and CEDC to be distributed to support VENDORS IMPACTED BY THE FIRE! The PA Auction Center donated 10% of the August 10th sale to CEDC and the Merchants Association of Columbia equally. That amount was $1,368.66 (the MAC and CEDC each receiving $684.33). Added to this amount was a check from an anonymous donor bringing the total amount available to $7,690.66.

All Tollbooth vendors were made aware of this available money and could apply to request a donation through a link on both MAC, CEDC and Discover Columbia websites and social media.

The 11 vendors who requested these funds reported their monthly approximate earnings (and loss) and the decision was made to distribute the total funds between vendors with each receiving what amounts to 40% of their monthly stand income that was lost from the fire in support to help them restart and restock and get through this difficult season. 

Thank you to everyone who supported those impacted – each in your own ways, direct and indirect efforts, resources, emotional support- and those who continue to support by your patronage.

Tollbooth to hold a SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION on Saturday, August 1st. To include ceremony at 1pm with local leaders to thank those involved with helping during the fire.


Previous updates and news:

To help clarify the warehouses we have open, the rear part of our CHESTNUT STREET was destroyed, but the main of CHESTNUT STREET  is standing and under renovation:

CHESTNUT STREET: Damaged building to reopen soon

SECOND STREET: Metal building (now stripped down to be exposed brick after the fire) on corner of N 2nd St and Chestnut is undamaged now open.

BRIDGE STREET: 185 N Front Street with vendors and Tollbooth Staff – OPEN NOW!

There are still valuable antiques and relics in the main Tollbooth Warehouse located at 215 Chestnut Street which was saved from the fire. Tollbooth is moving those smoke damaged items to the Tollbooth Lumber Warehouse located at 185 Front Street and the Corner of Front Street and Bridge Street.  

Bridge Street is a permanent Tollbooth Warehouse that was already selling lumber and is now selling smoked damaged antiques as well. The 185 N Front Street sales are conducted by employees of Tollbooth and not by the vendors.

Second Street has been used over the years for auctions, storage of back-up inventory, and limited wholesale sales. Tollbooth has cleared and cleaned the building and vendors are setting up this week.

Stay tuned and spread the word!

This isn’t just any small town, this is Columbia.

Together we will rise.

Discerning a Path Forward

Today I spoke with David Doolittle, the owner of Tolbooth Antiques, and he and Sue’s heart and concern is for the vendors. They want to make sure that everybody knows that Tollbooth is in it for the long-haul! Beauty will rise from the ashes.

David said they will even be opening the adjacent warehouse on the property that was not affected on Saturday for the vendors, and will continue to keep this space open for vendors moving forward. The 10,000 ft.² of the building along Chestnut Street that was not destroyed will be open as soon as possible and David is prayerfully considering a path forward.

5 ways you can support the vendors who suffered loss:

    1. 185 N “Bridge St Warehouse” is open (see note above)
    2. The “Second Street Warehouse” Tollbooth Warehouse at N 2nd Street and Chestnut is open 12-5pm daily.
    3. A public event on Saturday, August 10 will be held via PA AUCTION to help vendors sell their damaged items. 
    4. If you are a vendor, or know a specific vendor that was impact, please email with their name, phone, email, and type of antiques or niche interests
    5. You can donate to the GoFundMe page here!

New Website For Tollbooth

Launch Kits designed a new website at where you can stay updated on Tollbooth’s plans, revival and rebuilding progress, vendors to support, upcoming events, and news from the Doolittles. 

We will also keep you updated on this page as well so check back often.

Gratitude for the Support

David and Sue wish to express their sincere gratitude for the support of the Columbia community, and wants to give a special thanks to the fire department that kept the fire from spreading and doing further damage, for the Columbia Borough reaching out to express its desire to help, and for all of the people that have expressed their wishes and supportive comments.

David and Sue also wants people to know that their trust is in God and they are prayerfully trying to discern what is best for vendors and how to continue for the long-term in the Columbia community. David wants to continue to make the property a great shopping destination for antiques, and is exploring other ways to bring people to Columbia through open-air market events, pop up events, and other ways to support vendors and artisans.

While some may see a fire as the end of the story, the Doolittles are choosing to believe that God has good plans ahead.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and unknown things that you do not know yet.” The Doolittle’s are trusting God for answers and greater things.

Support Tollbooth and Local Vendors

Discover Columbia and local business owners, vendors, and community members is helping coordinate a fundraising an event with other downtown antique markets and vendors in the next two weeks so stay tuned for the final details so that you can give support.


Please support the vendors! There’s also a GoFundMe page that has been set up to help support Tollbooth as it rises from the ashes. Check the link here.